Once again, JDD attendees will select the best speaker from local Java User Groups – the JUGmajster.

We collaborate with JUGs from all over the country to let specialists showcase their skills to the JDD audience. This allows us to create a community-driven program that is relevant and engaging.

How to become a JUGmajster?

Reach out to your JUG leader, who can nominate you as a candidate or apply yourself. Apply by sending an email to ewadzwigon@proidea.org.pl (“JUGmajster” in the title) – include your name, surname, phone number, bio, photo, topic & short description of the talk (plus recording if available) and name of your JUG. Deadline: 31 May 2024.


1. The candidate must be an active member of the community and must have spoken at a JUG meeting at least once.
2. The candidate was never a speaker at JDD (other conferences allowed).
3. One JUG can nominate more than one candidate.
4. If we receive a considerable amount of applications, the Program Committee will evaluate them and choose the final list of debutant speakers who will appear on stage at JDD 2024.
5. JUGmajster speakers have all the rights of regular speakers.
6. All JUGmajster talks will take place on the 1st day of the conference.
7. The winner of the JUGmajster competition will be announced on the 2nd day of the conference.

Why does being a JUGmajster pay off?

Have all the rights of a JDD speaker (recording of presentation available online, reimbursement of travel & accommodation costs, support from the Program Committee).

Grab the chance to become a specialist well-known to the whole Polish and neighboring Java community, and be recognized as an experienced, reputable Java expert.

The JUGmajster receives a Wild Card for JDD 2025.

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